SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

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About SuperBeets Memory and Focus

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

SuperBeets Memory and Focus is a supplement that aims to increase blood flow to your brain, boosting your cognitive abilities. 

With an emphasis on memory and focus, this supplement can help you complete your to-do list without getting distracted or giving into laziness, giving you the perfect brain boost you need to get your work done.

HumanN created this brain-boosting supplement and has already started to take over social media, with a large number of followers on multiple platforms.

With 26.6k Instagram followers and 23.1k Facebook followers, this brand has made its mark online, switching more and more people onto their products each day.

In this SuperBeets Memory and Focus review, I’ll take a closer look at all of the important things you need to know about the product, the brand, customer ratings, promotions, and more to help you decide if this is the next supplement you want to buy!

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Overview of SuperBeets Memory and Focus

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

HumanN is a health and wellness company that works to provide people with a range of different nutritional products. Founded in 2009, HumanN has been working to build its brand so people from all around the world can shop to improve their health.

Their mission began with the discovery of nitric oxide, and its health benefits. Its mission statement is simple, to bring “the best N-O functional foods and supplements to every human across every phase of life.” 

With over 1,400 doctors helping research their mission, this brand prides itself on making health products one of the best choices out there.

In this SuperBeets Memory and Focus review, you’ll be able to look over the many highlights of this supplement, getting a better idea of what the product and brand are all about.


  • Natural flavors and ingredients
  • Vegan and gluten-free products
  • Non-GMO
  • No synthetic colors, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives
  • Subscription option available
  • Sold on multiple retail sites
  • 90-day money-back guarantee in the domestic US
  • Free shipping on subscription orders, purchases over $75
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SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

As we get older, it can get tougher and tougher to separate yourself from the hundreds of things going on around you and maintain your attention span. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re working in a big corporate company, a small family-owned business, or just freelancing, distractions are everywhere. That’s where SuperBeets Memory and Focus comes in!

Available in a blueberry pomegranate flavor, SuperBeets Memory and Focus is a supplement created to improve cognitive function and help boost your productivity. It achieves this goal by supporting the blood flow in your brain to increase your memory and focus.

If you’ve got work that you just can’t finish, this supplement may be your answer.

HumanN gives you two options of buying the supplement, either as a one-time purchase or by subscribing to regular deliveries. With 30 chews in each container, for a one-time purchase you can buy:

  • Buy 1: $40 per bag
  • Buy 3: $33 per bag
  • Buy 6: $32 per bag

HumanN also offers a subscription option where you can save even more by signing up for regular delivery:

  • Buy 1: $37 per bag
  • Buy 3: $30 per bag
  • Buy 6: $28 per bag

You can also buy this supplement from a couple of other online and retail sites such as GNC and Amazon for similar prices. At the time of writing, it was not available on Amazon.

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Who Is SuperBeets Memory and Focus For? 

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

This SuperBeets Memory and Focus review found that this supplement can be used by anybody over the age of 18. 

This supplement is not for children. Certain ingredients in the supplement may be too strong in a child’s system and should be used by adults only.

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What Are the Benefits of SuperBeets Memory and Focus? 

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

The brand promises four main benefits from taking SuperBeets Memory and Focus, including:

  1. Improved memory and brain health
  2. Increased brain blood flow
  3. Improved mental alertness and focus
  4. Reduced oxidative stress

When you take this dietary supplement, you’ll notice that you feel more alert and focused, with an increase in your mental clarity. Your tasks will be easier to concentrate on and take less time to finish without previous distractions getting in your way.

HumanN believes that the benefits of this supplement can help you achieve your goals faster than you would have without the extra brain boost!

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How Does SuperBeets Memory and Focus Work?

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

HumanN’s products are created to increase the production of natural gas in your body, also known as nitric oxide. SuperBeets Memory and Focus work similarly.

With the increase of nitric acid, your blood vessels will grow wider, causing higher blood flow to your brain, according to this study[1].

The more the blood flows to your brain, you will experience increased mental function including improved executive function[2], attention[3], and memory[4].

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What Are the Ingredients In the SuperBeets Memory and Focus?

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

An important part of this SuperBeets Memory and Focus review is breaking down its main ingredients and how they work to give you the brain boost you’re looking for.

The three main SuperBeets Memory and Focus ingredients include beetroot powder, Veri-te resveratrol, and coffee fruit extract, which all come together to give you increased brain stimulation and health.

Beetroot Powder: This powder has many functions that help increase blood flow to your brain. Its benefits include controlling diabetes, blood pressure, and kidney health, as shown in this study[5]. It’s also been shown[6] to help with oxidative stress and inflammation, which helps protect your cells.

Veri-te Resveratrol: This useful ingredient can slow down the development of cardiovascular disease. It achieves this goal by preventing diabetes and atherosclerosis, both of which are risk factors for heart disease, as shown here[7]. According to this study[8], resveratrol also has anti-cancer properties.

Coffee Fruit Extract: This ingredient can raise something called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, protecting and developing nerves in your brain. Research shows[9] how the increase of BDNF has helped older adults with cognitive impairments, improving their decision-making skills and attention.

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How to Take SuperBeets Memory and Focus And Dosage

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

SuperBeets Memory and Focus can be taken any time during the day to give you a helpful brain boost to improve cognitive function.

You should take one chew a day whenever you need this supplement to help boost your memory and focus.

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SuperBeets Memory and Focus Side Effects

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

Now, this wouldn’t be a proper SuperBeets Memory and Focus review if I didn’t also cover the reported side effects of this supplement.

As beneficial as this supplement is to your brain health, there is a slight chance of experiencing side effects due to the ingredients used.

The main side effect comes from beetroot powder. Consuming too much of it can sometimes cause beeturia[10], the development of pink or red urine. This occurs in 10-14% of the population and is usually caused due to an iron deficiency.

The other ingredients have little known side effects, so the main concern is to watch out for your iron levels when consuming SuperBeets Memory and Focus.

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SuperBeets Memory and Focus Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

Based on customers’ reactions to this product on multiple websites, this SuperBeets Memory and Focus review found that there is a very positive response. Here are some average ratings on key websites:

  • HumanN: 4.7/5 stars from 91 reviewers
  • Amazon: 4.4/5 stars over 1,854 global ratings
  • Wellness Verge: 4.3/5 star rating

The brand website includes many positive reviews by people who’ve tried out the brain-boosting supplement and had a great experience. A 78-year-old reviewer reflected on the benefits at his advanced age, writing: 

I have had a very good response to this supplement. I’m 78+ and slipping somewhat in both memory and focus even though I am in excellent health, eat right and exercise daily which includes walking 2+ miles a day. I highly recommend this supplement.”

On Amazon, a skeptical customer commented that although she was unsure of the product at the beginning, she has noticed a difference with continual use, stating that she has been “taking these chews every day for the past three months and I have noticed a remarkable difference in my concentration. I’m actually able to focus longer and work better.”

Another customer mentioned the taste of the chews: “The great taste of these chews will remind you to take this healthy supplement.”

Among the many success stories across the different websites I looked at, there were a few unhappy customers, mainly because they didn’t notice a significant difference following the use of the supplements.

Because supplements are dependent on everyone’s unique body chemistry, certain ingredients may not work well for everyone. 

However, this SuperBeets Memory and Focus review found that the majority of the public was happy with this product and had many great things to say about it.

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Is SuperBeets Memory and Focus Worth It?

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

Our SuperBeets Memory and Focus review found that this brain-boosting supplement is definitely worth it if you need an extra push to get your mind to stop wandering and help you complete your tasks

From the ingredients to the customer reviews, there are many reasons to buy this product and try it soon!

The ingredients are clearly stated on the website, with lots of data and scientific proof that explains what each small element of the product does, and how it works. 

The open nature of the brand and product can allow you to understand each part of the supplement and make an informed decision about whether this is the right product for you.

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SuperBeets Memory and Focus Promotions & Discounts 

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

The main discount that HumanN offers for SuperBeets Memory and Focus is their subscription option which I covered above. There are also great savings when you buy in bulk, as we showed above. GNC offers similar discounts on their site as well.

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Where to Buy SuperBeets Memory and Focus

SuperBeets Memory and Focus Review

You can buy Superbeets Memory and Focus from the HumanN website, GNC, and Amazon.

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How many SuperBeets Memory and Focus should I take daily?  

HumanN recommends taking one chew of SuperBeets Memory and Focus each day. You should take the supplement as you need to improve your focus and cognition in a day.

Should I take SuperBeets Memory and Focus with food?  

No, you don’t need to take SuperBeets Memory and Focus with food. This supplement is a chewable gummy that you can take any time to support your cognitive function.

Is SuperBeets Memory and Focus vegan?  

Yes, SuperBeets Memory and Focus is a 100% vegan product and does not contain any animal products.

Is SuperBeets Memory and Focus gluten-free? 

Yes, SuperBeets Memory and Focus is a gluten-free product. You are safe to take this supplement if you have these dietary restrictions.

What are the supplement facts of SuperBeets Memory and Focus? 

SuperBeets Memory and Focus’ serving size is one chew, with 30 servings per container. Each chew is 20 calories, with 4g of carbohydrates and 2g of added sugars. There is 300mg of beetroot powder, 150mg of Veri-te resveratrol, and 100mg of coffee fruit extract.

What is HumanN’s Shipping Policy?

HumanN offers free shipping on all subscription products and any one-time purchases over $75. All products are shipped out on business days only, and delivery times can depend on your choice of days selected.

Currently, the brand only ships within the US and does not ship internationally.

What is HumanN’s Return Policy?

HumanN has a convenient 90-day money-back guarantee for all domestic US orders! If you’re unhappy with your purchase, you just have to contact the customer service team and give them your Return to Manufacturer Authorization number. You’ll get your money refunded, excluding any shipping or handling charges.

How to Contact HumanN

For any further questions that we couldn’t answer in our SuperBeets Memory and Focus review, you can contact HumanN about their products using the following contact information:

  1. Call or Text: 1-855-636-4040
  2. Email: [email protected]
  3. Live Chat Online
  4. Filling out your information on the website’s message form

You can reach them over the phone from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm CST.

For more brain boosting supplements, check out these brands:




Onnit Alpha Brain


Article Sources

  1. Toda, N., Ayajiki, K., & Okamura, T. Cerebral blood flow regulation by nitric oxide: recent advances U.S. National Library of Medicine Pharmacological reviews, 61(1), 62-97
  2. Leeuwis, A. E., Smith, L. A., Melbourne, A., Hughes, A. D., Richards, M., Prins, N. D., Sokolska, M., Atkinson, D., Tillin, T., Jäger, H. R., Chaturvedi, N., van der Flier, W. M., & Barkhof, F. Cerebral Blood Flow and Cognitive Functioning in a Community-Based, Multi-Ethnic Cohort: The SABRE Study U.S. National Library of Medicine Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 10, 279
  3. Bertsch, K., Hagemann, D., Hermes, M., Walter, C., Khan, R., & Naumann, E. Resting cerebral blood flow, attention, and aging U.S. National Library of Medicine Brain research, 1267, 77-88
  4. irdsill, A. C., Carlsson, C. M., Willette, A. A., Okonkwo, O. C., Johnson, S. C., Xu, G., … & Bendlin, B. B. Low cerebral blood flow is associated with lower memory function in metabolic syndrome Wiley Online Library Obesity, 21(7), 1313-1320
  5. Mirmiran, P., Houshialsadat, Z., Gaeini, Z., Bahadoran, Z., & Azizi, F. Functional properties of beetroot (Beta vulgaris) in management of cardio-metabolic diseases U.S. National Library of Medicine Nutrition & metabolism, 17(1), 1-15
  6. Clifford, T., Howatson, G., West, D. J., & Stevenson, E. J. The potential benefits of red beetroot supplementation in health and disease U.S. National Library of Medicine Nutrients, 7(4), 2801-2822
  7. Wiciński, M., Socha, M., Walczak, M., Wódkiewicz, E., Malinowski, B., Rewerski, S., … & Pawlak-Osińska, K. Beneficial effects of resveratrol administration—Focus on potential biochemical mechanisms in cardiovascular conditions U.S. National Library of Medicine Nutrients, 10(11), 1813
  8. Ko, J. H., Sethi, G., Um, J. Y., Shanmugam, M. K., Arfuso, F., Kumar, A. P., … & Ahn, K. S. The role of resveratrol in cancer therapy MDPI Open Access Journals International journal of molecular sciences, 18(12), 2589
  9. Robinson, J. L., Yanes, J. A., Reid, M. A., Murphy, J. E., Busler, J. N., Mumford, P. W., … & Beck, D. T. Neurophysiological effects of whole coffee cherry extract in older adults with subjective cognitive impairment: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over pilot study U.S. National Library of Medicine Antioxidants, 10(2), 144
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